Reason to root your android
Slender is the OTHER most popular game in existence... right now. Or at least it's popular in the sense that people make videos of them screaming into a camera while getting "scared" by the game (I will talk more on that later). In this game you collect eight pages, the more pages you collect, the higher of a chance you have getting caught by Slenderman. This is supposed to be a very scary game, apparently.
But it's actually a very boring game you see. There is a noticeable lack of immersion, something that I believe sells a scary game. Finding pages is a very boring thing to do, as you walk at the speed of molasses. If you don't find the pages fast enough (such as not finding a page within ten minutes), Slenderman will get you anyway. It's a long tedious process of map memory and cat & mouse. It's not fun. I wont spoil the end to the game, but it really makes you feel like you've wasted your time.
I do not see the scare factor in this game. Sure, there's a childish slam down on the piano whenever you turn too quickly and Slenderman is behind you, but that's just a jump scare, it isn't really scary, nor is it tense. It's a dull flashlight simulator. I can't even call it a "walking through the woods simulator" because the woods are kind of interesting and things actually happen sometimes. If you want the full walking through the woods experience, get Miasmata, it's actually kind of tense and scary in a way.
In the graphics department, Slender is a pretty good looking game. Despite a good 90% of the game taking place in the dark, the very few times you see colours and geometrical shapes, it is quite wonderful. This however, is because the Unity engine is actually a pretty good-looking engine and not really because of the game designer.
Also, I know I mentioned this but, this game is darker than Doom 3, but luckily, like Doom 3, you have a nice flashlight. The flashlight can be turned on or off, which surprisingly, not a lot of people understand. The flashlight batteries can also run out if you are too slow at collecting pages and because your character is a cunt, they don't bother bringing any sort of back-up batteries. As I've said above, it is the perfect flashlight simulator for all you flashlight enthusiasts.
There is no real plot to this game, as far as I can tell. You're in the woods looking for a bunch of pages randomly scattered about. Why are you in the woods? Why are you looking for pages? Who posted that pages? Basically it is a bunch of questions that do not get solved within the game. I'm guessing the creator went with the "just make up your own story" approach, but that's really fucking lazy. I probably shouldn't expect much from a free game, but come the fuck on, at least put something on your website, a small little idea of why.
'Jobs' : Movie Review
I was hoping this movie about " Steve Jobs " would illuminate the dark side of genius–and it does. We not only meet the eccentric entrepreneur obsessed with supplying us all with personal computers, but the other side of Steve Jobs: impossible, difficult, self centered to the point of isolation. This is a man able to bring misfits and rebels around him, often leading them to greatness. Ashton Kutcher was far better than I thought possible as Jobs.
The film tells the specific story of Apple, Steve’s rise and fall, and rise again–boardroom politics. Nothing about his illness, spirituality–maybe that will be another film. Wozniak is beautifully played by Josh Gad. This is our neighborhood, and many people are invested in this story. See this movie, it is worth it!
Optical fiber
3 Different Speed of Optical fiber |
- Bandwidth - Fibre optic cables have a much greater bandwidth than metal cables. The amount of information that can be transmitted per unit time of fibre over other transmission media is its most significant advantage. With the high performance single mode cable used by telephone industries for long distance telecommunication, the bandwidth surpasses the needs of today's applications and gives room for growth tomorrow.
- Low Power Loss - An optical fibre offers low power loss. This allows for longer transmission distances. In comparison to copper; in a network, the longest recommended copper distance is 100m while with fibre, it is 2000m.
- Interference - Fibre optic cables are immune to electromagnetic interference. It can also be run in electrically noisy environments without concern as electrical noise will not affect fibre.
- Size - In comparison to copper, a fibre optic cable has nearly 4.5 times as much capacity as the wire cable has and a cross sectional area that is 30 times less.
- Weight - Fibre optic cables are much thinner and lighter than metal wires. They also occupy less space with cables of the same information capacity. Lighter weight makes fibre easier to install.
- Safety - Since the fibre is a dielectric, it does not present a spark hazard.
- Security - Optical fibres are difficult to tap. As they do not radiate electromagnetic energy, emissions cannot be intercepted. As physically tapping the fibre takes great skill to do undetected, fibre is the most secure medium available for carrying sensitive data.
- Flexibility - An optical fibre has greater tensile strength than copper or steel fibres of the same diameter. It is flexible, bends easily and resists most corrosive elements that attack copper cable.
- Cost - The raw materials for glass are plentiful, unlike copper. This means glass can be made more cheaply than copper.
- Cost - Cables are expensive to install but last longer than copper cables.
- Transmission - Transmission on optical fibre requires repeating at distance intervals.
- Fragile - Fibres can be broken or have transmission loses when wrapped around curves of only a few centimetres radius. However by encasing fibres in a plastic sheath, it is difficult to bend the cable into a small enough radius to break the fibre.
- Protection - Optical fibres require more protection around the cable compared to copper.
Hard disks eventually fail which stops the computer from working. Regular 'head' crashes can damage the surface of the disk, leading to loss of data in that sector. The disk is fixed inside the computer and cannot easily be transferred to another computer. The write head also can get damaged if the hard disks temperature to high.
Since HDD using spinning disk, storing and accessing data is slow and limited. Normally HDD spinning at 7,200 rounds per minute for HDD 3.5″ and 5,400 rounds per minute for HDD 2.5″. However, there is also a speed of HDD 10,000 rounds per minute and 15,000 rounds per minute on the market, but is not widely used because it is expensive.
Size difference between HDD 2.5" | SSD |
HDD 2.5" | SSD thickness |
HDD 2.5" | SSD |
Unlike HDD, SSD writing/reading data much fastest than HDD because it used chip to store data. There's no spinning plate. There's many review that proven SSD is worth for gaming and graphic editing jobs. In additional, transferring a large file take a short time rather than HDD. SSDs use significantly less power at peak load than hard drives, less than 2W vs. 6W for an HDD. Their energy efficiency can deliver longer battery life in notebooks, less power strain on system, and a cooler computing environment. This can make your laptop battery last longer. As an energy-efficient storage upgrade for your desktop or laptop, SSDs require very little power to operate that translates into significantly less heat output by your system.
Inside SSD |
From price, SSD price more expensive with limited capacity. SSD with 120GB size can reached about RM450-RM700 but it worth it :)
Al-Hijri New Year 1435
November 5, 2013 is a holiday all over Malaysia. It’s the Islamic new year according to the Islamic calendar. It was interesting to know about its origins, as it is not really celebrated by partying as is usually done.
There are many stories in the Islamic faith and the beginning of the Islamic calendar is not an exception. It began with the Hijrah or migration of the prophet Mohamed PBUH from Mecca to Medina around 622 AD, and therefore it has been named the hijri calendar. This migration was an important turning point in Islamic history, as it is in Medina, then called Yathrib, that Muslims were able to establish the first real Muslim community with social, political and religious orders. The Prophet PBUH was so welcomed by the people of Madina that they went out to greet him with stalks of palm trees singing the beautiful song of Tala’ al badru Alina, (the moon has come to us), which is still sung until today. The Prophet PBUH has always remembered the graciousness and generosity of the Medina people and always spoke highly of their gentility, in contrast to the torture and difficulties Muslims faced in Mecca.
The calendar was first introduced by caliph Umar ibn el Khattab around 638 AD. It has 12 lunar months which are determined by the sightings of the crescent moon and counted with Arabic months.
Opening the TV on that day, there will be many religious songs playing and movies depicting the early history of Islam. It is not really a time for partying as much as it is a time of reflection on and remembrance of a faith that changed the fate of mankind.
Ya Rabbi, berkahilah umurku....
Jadikanlah di setiap episode waktu bermanfaat selalu...
dan jadikanlah kekuranganku sebagai kekuatanku,
dan kelebihanku sebagai aksi syukurku,
Luruskanlah niat kami untuk selalu mengharap ridhaMu
Tips on Designing a Web
To start design a website, you must mastered the CSS & it's tricky.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation semantics (the look and formatting) of a document written in a markup language. You can read more about it, here.
Identify which content-management system (CMS) that you're gonna design for. There's many web CMS. This is the popular platform this time.
*You must mastered HTML, CSS & PHP to started design a templates for this CMS.
*You must mastered HTML, CSS & XML to started design a templates for Blogger.
To build own CMS is not an easy jobs. You'll need a year to develop & design your own CMS and I don't recommend this to those who're just step into Designing career. To develop your own CMS, you can use either PHP platforms or ASP platforms and the important thing is you must make sure there's no " holes " on your CMS, to prevent " hackers " to stole your database or files. The advantages use your own CMS is, you can create a custom website. For an example, chatbox.
Tips :
- Don’t bombard the viewer with cutesy, gimmicky graphics. Flash animation, bright colors, patterned backgrounds, and music that auto-plays each time a page loads were fun to experiment with in the 90s but will send today’s web-users running. Stick with simple backgrounds that contrast with the text color for maximum readability.
- Though you’re welcome to design the layout based on your own personal vision or things you’ve admired on other sites, it may be easier to purchase a ready made template.
- To accommodate hearing and visually-impaired visitors, you can caption video, transcribe audio, and include a note about accessibility. Though tables can be an efficient way of organizing information, visually-impaired visitors who use a screen-reading program may not hear the material in column order.
- To keep from wasting visitors’ ink, use a separate style sheet to format your site for printing.
- Turn off background images when you set up the printing parameters.
- Use black text on a white background.
- Remove the menu bar and any unneeded images.
- You can always use CSS to make suitable distances between paragraphs.
Warning :
Avoid plagiarism and observe all copyright laws. Don’t add random images from the web, or even structural elements without permission. Whatever you include on your website must be both legal and ethical.
Top web design books
Web design books made from dead trees, eh? Things from the past! Haven’t you heard we’ve got that spangly new internet thing now?
But when you’ve been glued to a screen all day, it can be great to sit back in a comfy chair, armed with a beverage of your choice and a fantastic web design book that can educate and illuminate.
Additionally, the finest examples provide advice and insight in a manner that few single-shot website articles can compete with. (Handily, for those who get the shakes when away from a screen for more than two minutes, many web design books are now also available in digital – hurrah!)
We asked leading designers, developers and web industry folk to reveal their favourite web design books. The resulting selection is a collection of the very best insight into cutting-edge design and development techniques, inspirational texts, and beautiful volumes to admire. SPOILER ALERT: Responsive web design features quite prominently.
> Adaptive Web Design <
Gustafson’s web design book helps you understand the history, mechanisms and practical application of progressive enhancement. Jeffrey Zeldman, Happy Cog founder, heartily recommends the book: “Coined by Steven Champeon of the Web Standards Project in the early 2000s, ‘progressive enhancement’ is the key idea behind standards-based web design. Both a method and a philosophy, it yields experiences that are accessible to all. Through mastery of progressive enhancement, we stop designing for browsers and start designing for people. No one has done a better, clearer, or more thorough job of illuminating progressive enhancement in all its richness than Aaron Gustafson … nor is anyone likely to.”
> A Practical Guide to Designing for the Web <
“This is a great introductory book that covers design fundamentals, rather than code, tools and techniques,” says developer and author Oliver Studholme.
> Adapt: Why Success Always Starts with Failure <
The premise behind this book is that everything we know about solving problems is wrong, and we should instead learn to rapidly experiment and adapt. Although not directly related to the web industry, Adapt’s general themes are beneficial to all, thinks social software consultant and writer Suw Charman-Anderson: “Harford provides examples of how trial and error can be a more effective way to solve complex problems, and how trials can be structured to produce the best results. Illustrated with examples such as the development of the Spitfire, and the financial crisis, Harford explores what environments encourage innovation and how that innovation can then be adopted and expanded.”
> CSS3 for Web Designers <
Cederholm’s book aims to show how CSS3 is a “universe of creative possibilities”, providing insight into web fonts, advanced selectors and the many visual enhancements the technology can bring to web pages.
Eric Meyer, An Event Apart partner and co-founder, says: “With Dan you know you’re getting great visual design with a fun theme, wrapped around great technical information. This book delivers big time.” Meyer also recommends Jeremy Keith’s HTML5 for Web Designers as a companion volume, saying it will “get you up to speed with HTML5 in no time”.
> DOM Scripting <
It’s increasingly common for websites to be rich in functionality provided by JavaScript. Keith’s book is intended to offer designers – rather than programmers – a guiding hand, showing them how to add stylish, usable enhancements to websites. Author and speaker Jonathan Snook told us: “Jeremy Keith’s book has been out for a while now but I still believe that it provides a great foundation for anybody wanting to get into JavaScript development.”
> Grid Systems in Graphic Design <
Web layout is becoming increasingly complex, and although it’s moving away from print-oriented fixed canvases, print-like grids and a strong sense of typography are required now more than ever. “Grid Systems is my number one go-to book for practical advice on typographic hierarchy and grid systems beyond the web,” says web designer and front-end developer Dan Eden. “Every page is chock-a-block with examples and reasoning for decisions made, and while the book presents a strong focus on print design, you’ll find huge crossovers into the digital realm.”
> JavaScript Patterns <
Although libraries such as jQuery provide the means to work with JavaScript without really knowing a great deal about the language, savvy web developers delve deeper. Developer Remy Sharp says “everyone should have read Douglas Crockford’s Good Parts by now,” and he considers “JavaScript Patterns an excellent next step towards writing better JavaScript”. Along with boasting plenty of hands-on examples, the book also tells you what to avoid, so you don’t hamstring your own creations.
> Responsive Web Design <
Marcotte’s book assists you in catering for mobile browsers, tablets, netbooks and also massive widescreen displays, creating sites that anticipate and respond to your users’ needs. The book details techniques and principles behind fluid grids, flexible images and media queries. “Just like web standards, responsive design isn’t something you should sit on the fence about, until being asked by a client. Instead, good designers and developers should be thinking responsively about every new project that comes their way,” explains Andy Budd, Clearleft managing director. “So if you haven’t jumped on the responsive-design freight train yet, do so now, with this book to guide you, before you get left behind.”
{jQuery Added} New Interface
As you can see, there's a weird button float at the left of the main content. This button will output some post details. Example, date & author.
Before |
After |
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#add_noti").click(function() {
return false;
$("#remove_noti").click(function() {
return false;
jQuery - Introduction
jQuery is a lightweight, " write less, do more ", JavaScript library. The purpose of jQuery is to make it much easier to use JavaScript on your website. So in a short way, jQuery is compressed code from JavaScript. jQuery takes a lot of common tasks that require many lines of JavaScript code to accomplish, and wraps them into methods that you can call with a single line of code and also simplifies a lot of the complicated things from JavaScript, like AJAX calls and DOM manipulation.
How to start working with jQuery ?
jQuery usually comes as a single JavaScript file containing everything comes out of the box with jQuery. It can be included within a web page using the following mark-up:
Load jQuery : <script type="text/javascript" src="jQuery file location"></script>
For an Example : <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
NOTE : Without this, jQuery can't functionally.
As a developer, the decision of where and how to write jQuery code lies on you. I prefer to use the second method as it ensures that my complete page is loaded in the browser and I am ready to play with any element available on the page.
The video of this chapter is available here.
Customize the 'via' on Facebook
Did you notice when some people or pages leave a status on Facebook, they would have their own custom ‘posted via..’ printed together at the bottom of the status. This custom status usually will show where the status was posted from and seems to be fixed according to the device they log the status in.
For example, post an FB status from your iPhone, Blackberry or even from your mobile web browser, and you will see the device name reflected at your status like ‘posted via iPhone’ and so on. Let’s take this up a notch and get our statuses posted ‘via le post office’ or ‘via a watch’, shall we? All it takes is a little trick.
Creating Facebook Application
The first action is you need to create a new Facebook application. Don’t worry, the Facebook ‘application’ here doesn’t mean anything difficult, rather they are steps to creating your own application ID that will reflect in your ‘posted via..’ status.
1. Go to Facebook Developer page and click on the Apps button. (Make sure your Facebook logged in)
2. Click Create New App button.
3. Insert App Name and click Continue. You can leave the ‘App Namespace’ and ‘App Category’ as we don’t need them here. The App Name is the name that will appear in your ‘posted via…’ status, so choose wisely.
4. Complete the security check box and click Submit.
5. Now in the next page, you will see more details to fill up. Since we are going to do something simple, you don’t have to customize much, just the edit icon and the image to have a more personalized custom status. Add your App Domain and enter your Site URL. Then click Save Changes.
6. Ok now down to the important step, that is to copy the ‘App ID’. In this tutorial, my App ID is 609260089136806. (For a security reason, please keep your App Secret as Hidden)
Posting A Custom Status To Facebook
You have now created your own Facebook App! Now let’s move on to posting with your new via status.
1. To share the post to your own Facebook Wall, you can simply copy the URM below, replace the ‘<APP_ID>’ with your own App ID that you have just created and open it in a new browser/tab.<APP_ID>&redirect_uri= Be sure to change the domain included in the last part of the URL to your own domain as stated in the Facebook Application form. In this case, I am using
3. When you open it in a new tab/browser, you will see a custom dialog box with your custom ‘posted via’ stated. Enter your message and click Share. Notice that in this example ‘via Zulfaqar.MY’ appears at the bottom of the status box.
4. After you share it on your wall, your friends will see as below, and when they click on the ‘posted via..’ link, it will bring them to the URL you specified in the Facebook Application page earlier. In this example, it will redirect to
5. Notice the logo icon had appeared below the status together with ‘via Zulfaqar.MY’ link. Now you can place the URL link provided above in your Facebook or even on your website or blog so your friends or fans can use it too.
It is not so hard to create a custom status, and you can even share the URL with your friends and fans on Facebook, website or even on your own blog. The more people using and liking it, the better as you will be getting free directed traffic from your via status. And if you are creative enough, you can even create a web app for this.
Run an Android in PC
Interested in Android? You don’t have to buy a device or go to a physical electronics store (do those still exist?) to try it out. You can run individual Android apps and play with the latest versions of the Android operating system on Windows. These are Android emulators for PCs.
Whether you want to try Android before you buy, experiment with the latest version of Android or sync apps between your Android device and your PC, these Windows programs have you covered.
=> BlueStack <=
BlueStacks doesn’t replicate the full Android experience, it’s just an “app player” that runs individual apps on your PC. BlueStacks starts in full-screen mode, but can also be used in windowed mode.
Install BlueStacks, search for an Android app, and you’ll be able to install it on your PC.
You’ll have to set up a Google account to download apps via Google Play, but you can always make a new Google account just for this purpose. BlueStacks also supports other app stores, including the Amazon Appstore for Android. Its built-in search feature searches for apps across all the app stores it supports.
Facebook DOWN : User unable to post on social network
Facebook was broken 9 hour ago.
Facebook was not ‘down’ as such: users were still able to browse posts and click through their newsfeed, but likes, comments, posts and shares were not available.
Facebook has said it has fixed a problem which prevented users around the world updating their status or interacting with friends.
Some of the website's estimated 1.15 billion members were shown an an error message which read: "Couldn't update status. There was a problem updating your status. Please try again in a few minutes."
Some users also said they were unable to 'Like' posts, post comments or upload photos, although others experienced no difficulties using the website.
Hundreds of comments about the apparent service outage appeared on Twitter every few minutes during the outage.
A spokesman for Facebook said: "While performing some network maintenance, we experienced an issue that prevented some users from posting to Facebook for a brief period of time.
"We resolved the issue quickly and we are now back to 100%.
"We're sorry for any inconvenience we may have caused."
Update status error message |
Michael Allen, a director at Compuware Corporation, which tracks internet down time using its Outage Analyzer tool, said the technical problems would have had an "enormous impact" on millions of people.
He said at least 3,500 other websites were affected, "although the actual number is likely to be far greater".
"This is because many other businesses and websites are connected to Facebook through the integration of its services," he said.
"For example, Facebook is used to enable people to login to many other sites and applications."
Founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerburg, Facebook has around 700 million daily active users, according to its own figures.
It stores more than 100 petabytes (107 billion megabytes) of photos and videos at its three US data centres in Oregon, North Carolina and Iowa, as well as a fourth in Lulea, Sweden.
No word from the greeting card companies as to whether or not they saw a spike in sales. The send a birthday message function was down along with everything else.
‘What Does The Fox Say?’
Some memes spread — others explode. And that’s what happened this morning, when a music video by a Norwegian band named Ylvis didn’t so much go viral as it took over the collective attention of the entire internet for a few hours.
What Does the Fox Say? features adults in outlandish animal costumes reciting an Old McDonald’s-ish list of animal noises, before addressing the titular question in the chorus. There is thumping bass and a silly, easily imitatable dance: In short, it is the video internet hipsters and five-year-olds can finally agree on.
It's a song so zoologically off the mark it could probably turn David Attenborough to stone. But then again, maybe he'd just crack up laughing or spontaneously cut some rug at to its heavy dancefloor beat like most people.
Singer Biography :
Ylvis is a Norwegian comedy duo from Bergen, consisting of brothers Bård and Vegard Ylvisåker. They debuted as professional variety artists in 2000 and have since had a string of highly successful variety shows, humoristic concerts, TV shows, radio shows and music videos. Their song "The Fox" went viral on YouTube in September 2013, which brought the brothers to international attention.
More information.
You can listen the song here :