November 5, 2013 is a holiday all over Malaysia. It’s the Islamic new year according to the Islamic calendar. It was interesting to know about its origins, as it is not really celebrated by partying as is usually done.
There are many stories in the Islamic faith and the beginning of the Islamic calendar is not an exception. It began with the Hijrah or migration of the prophet Mohamed PBUH from Mecca to Medina around 622 AD, and therefore it has been named the hijri calendar. This migration was an important turning point in Islamic history, as it is in Medina, then called Yathrib, that Muslims were able to establish the first real Muslim community with social, political and religious orders. The Prophet PBUH was so welcomed by the people of Madina that they went out to greet him with stalks of palm trees singing the beautiful song of Tala’ al badru Alina, (the moon has come to us), which is still sung until today. The Prophet PBUH has always remembered the graciousness and generosity of the Medina people and always spoke highly of their gentility, in contrast to the torture and difficulties Muslims faced in Mecca.
The calendar was first introduced by caliph Umar ibn el Khattab around 638 AD. It has 12 lunar months which are determined by the sightings of the crescent moon and counted with Arabic months.
Opening the TV on that day, there will be many religious songs playing and movies depicting the early history of Islam. It is not really a time for partying as much as it is a time of reflection on and remembrance of a faith that changed the fate of mankind.
Ya Rabbi, berkahilah umurku....
Jadikanlah di setiap episode waktu bermanfaat selalu...
dan jadikanlah kekuranganku sebagai kekuatanku,
dan kelebihanku sebagai aksi syukurku,
Luruskanlah niat kami untuk selalu mengharap ridhaMu
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